Size Guide
Choosing the perfect size shoes for you baby's feet can be tough and we're happy to help. Follow these simple steps to find the perfect fit:
1. Measure your baby's feet or you can use our printable size chart.
2. Use our size chart below to select the perfect size, leaving a little extra room for growth.
3. Once you receive the shoes, check the fit using the "toe test" (more below).
Woolybubs Size Chart
No two baby's feet are the same so we highly recommend measuring your child's foot to ensure correct fit.

How to Measure Your Baby's Feet

Download our Printable Size Chart
How to Check for Correct Fit
Toe Test
Measure from the tip of your baby's big toe to the tip of the shoe. The distance should be between the width of your pinky and width of your thumb.
Visual Test
The shoes should look snug but comfortable and should not leave any marks on your child's foot.